Ben Duoc Tunnels
Ben Duoc Tunnels is 12km further up from Ho Chi Minh City. It’s 5 times the size of Ben Dinh Tunnels. Exhibits above ground covers more like helicopters, tanks, bombs used by the US army, and weapons carried by Cu Chi guerrillas against the enemies during the wartime.
A documentary will explain the complicated tunnel system in the middle of the forests. Next you will get into the underground tunnels and witness the different rooms, e.g. the living room, working space, meeting room, surgery room, weapon factory, fighting bunker, kitchen and shelter.
Nearby is the Ben Duoc Temple in memory of people who contributed their lives to the country in wartime. On top of the pagoda, you have the panoramic view of surrounding area, the so called “Golden/Iron Triangle”. There’s also a swimming pool for kids’ playing and recreation. Another recreation option is the paintball gun field.